Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Forum Where?

The year 2003 was the onslaught of Cebu discussion boards and forums. But since the internet is an ever changing landscape and at the present times most of these have been overtaken with web 2.0 sites that provides for more inter-activity and greater internet user participation.

Again, what happened to these forums now;


Where are they now.

Filmmaking Group

Where are the filmmaking groups in Cebu now? What have they produced so far? Any noteworthy news?

There used to be an event at Handuraw for showing of local indie films but hey Handuraw have closed their doors too. And so where have all the Cebuano filmmakers gone....

Change In Format

Since this blog has already acquired a new domain and so I would be changing its format from Cebu infoblog to a somesort of blog for blind items pertaining to Cebu. Here's for a start;

What happened now to a graphic multimedia company who used to do the graphic o.b.b of some of the local cable channel here in Cebu. Yes, they are good in creating eye popping graphics animation but where the hell they are now. I have checked their website site but it is no longer available.

Here's a hint, their animations used to be shown at the Fuente OsmeƱa video billboard.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Totally Cebu

Thanks for visiting. We have a new domain now. Please proceed to TotallyCebu.com